

Diamonds, significant in a romantic relationship, are eagerly displayed on the hands of the newly
engaged. But for Diane and James Mayes, their first encounter involved a different kind of diamond.
“We met at a baseball park and were introduced by a mutual family friend. I played summer league
baseball with her cousin’s husband. We started dating about 3 years after first meeting,” recalls James.
The couple was married in Lake Charles in 1976, just 3 months after Diane graduated from college.
“James joked that he wanted to wait, but (he) proposed because I had been offered a job with Exxon. He
was already employed there and working in Baytown.” shares Diane. After 38 years working in Safety for
the Production Department of ExxonMobil, James retired in 2007. Diane followed suit in 2010, working
in IT for Exxon for 34 years.
Built on a foundation of family, faith, and fellowship, their marriage has remained strong for 41 years.
“Both of us had been brought up in the Baptist Church from a young age, where we went to church
often. Christ and the teachings of The Bible are the footprint for our marriage and our role as parents. As
Christians, we feel that it is important to build and maintain an active prayer life and grow continuously
in the word of God,” explains Diane.
Members since 2001, the Mayes family worships at The Church Without Walls, where they enjoy the
sermons of Dr. Ralph West. “When we came to TCWW, we were looking for a strong church for our
entire family that would ground us in the Word, provide Christian education classes, grow our
understanding and help us to live a life that is consistent with those teachings. Pastor West encourages
us to reach out beyond the walls of our church and serve others by letting them know about Christ and
assisting those who are in need. My husband and I are both involved in the Deacon Family Life Ministry.
James leads that ministry. I am also involved in the church’s Usher Ministry, where I serve as the
coordinator of that ministry. Many people who have become our friends are also people that we
fellowship with at TCWW each week,” comments Diane.
The Mayes have one daughter, Ashley. “As a child, Ashley was studious and outgoing. She loved to read
and was not afraid to get up in front of a crowd and speak. Ashley received an undergraduate degree in
Business Management from Tulane University and a Law degree from Louisiana State University (LSU).
She currently works as a Prosecutor for the Harris County District Attorney’s Office,” relates her mother
proudly. Ashley has been married to Jonathan Guice for 3 years. Jonathan has degrees in Psychology and
one in Management from Sam Houston State and a Masters in Counseling from Prairie View A&M
University. He is employed by the Veteran’s Administration.
Expecting the birth of their first child, Ashley reflected on her own parental role models. “My mother is
the embodiment of selfless service. Whether it’s through her work as a child advocate, mentoring Cy-
Fair ISD students, or volunteering at church, she’s always finding ways to jump in headfirst to help
others. I strive to implement that in my life and will encourage my son to live the same way. My father
has instilled in me the ability to speak boldly in front of any audience, which is likely how I ended up
becoming an attorney. He certainly has the gift of gab and has likely never met a stranger in his lifetime.
I pray my son inherits his same gregarious personality.”

The James and Diane have been “anxiously awaiting” the birth of their first grandchild. When he did not
make his due date, Gavin James was delivered through C-Section on Memorial Day. Diane comments on
the implications of this new life: “We are becoming grandparents a little late in life and recognize that
we will have to squeeze in a lot to catch-up with most of our friends whose grandchildren are going off
to college already. We haven’t really given Ash and Jonathan advice because they have seen our families
raise lots of children. They, too, are committed Christians who pray for God’s guidance in all decisions.
So, I feel that both the Guice and Mayes set of parents have laid a good foundation that will serve them
well as they begin this journey through parenthood. My only hope is that they will not stop at one and
give Gavin a sibling and us at least one more grandchild!
In preparation for his coming, “Suga,” as Diane wants to be called, has set up a nursery, complete with
baby bed, in what was Ashley’s room. “We have toys setup all over our home. Advice that we have given
them is to give Gavin the same love and attention that we have given them and don’t neglect teaching
him about Christ. Give him the opportunities to grow into the best that he can be and make a lasting
contribution to this world.”
Diane is a dedicated volunteer. “I am a court-appointed Child Advocate for kids who have been placed in
foster care. I work with CPS and the court to ensure that the services required by the child and their
family are met, with the goal of reuniting families, if at all possible. I volunteer about 10-15 hours a week
at my church, helping with administrative tasks to assist our church staff. I am also a volunteer at Cy
Springs High School, serving as a mentor to young ladies.”
The couple enjoys traveling. “One of our more recent vacations was a 3,000-mile driving trip through six
states. Diane’s goal is to make it to all 50 states. I am usually the chauffeur and trip planner. My passion
these days is getting in as much golfing as possible, each week,” quips James.