
By Patricia Hudson –

When Jonathan and Crystal Criddle met, they never expected to have their life filled with the joys and excitement, trials and tribulations of having not one, but two sets of twins. Complications aside, they have made the most of their life together with levity, a positive attitude, and faith.

A native Houstonian and an avowed proud Texan, Johnathan grew up in the Copperfield area, where he attended Langham Creek High School. The youngest of six, Crystal grew up in Bedford, New Hampshire. “I lost my mother to breast cancer when I was 11. This was a defining moment in my life that directly led to many of the choices that I have made and who I am today. I believe that she would be proud in who I have become and grown up to be,” shares Crystal. Offered employment in either Houston or Boston, Jonathan explains, “We chose Houston as the better place for us to plant our roots and raise our family.”
Romance always seems to find you when you are not looking for it. “We met at our library at Brigham Young University; I didn’t want to date anyone at the time, so we decided we could be friends and hang out and avoid all the relationship drama,” recalls Johnathan. “That lasted about a week and we changed our minds and wanted to date.” “He asked me on a date to indoor mini golf. Funny story; when I was growing up, my brother Shane called me “Little Criddle” because when I was really little I struggled to pronounce my name.. so I would say ‘Criddle’ instead of ‘Crystal’.. When I went back to Bedford, I told my brother that I went on a date with a guy named Criddle! He laughed so hard and was like ‘Little Criddle, you’re probably going to marry this guy!’ He was right,” grins Crystal. Within six months, the couple became engaged and married six months later. They will be married 15 years in December.

Jonathan is a senior manager of a tax technology consulting group for Deloitte Tax. He explains, “We focus on the technology tools available to support tax practices and give them the flexibility to focus on tax strategy and planning.” Crystal is thankful that she is able to be a full time stay-at-home mom. “Being a mom of two sets of twins is a challenge and is definitely a full-time job,” she admits.

“Alton and Ashlyn are 8-year-old 2nd graders at Rennell Elementary. Alton is a genuine kid and wears his emotions on his sleeve. He loves books, legos, going to school, (his favorite place in the world), and reading any map he can get his hands on. He was excited to start taking piano lessons this year, states Crystal. “During the quarantine, Alton has discovered quite the talent with puzzles. Alton is on the autism spectrum. He describes himself as having ‘a million dollar smile,’ and says that ‘Autism is my super power.’”

Crystal comments, “Ashlyn is never found without a book in her hands, and frequently bumps into walls and objects walking while reading. She just finished the first two Harry Potter books, loves all things fairy tales, princesses, unicorns, and mermaids. Ashlyn loves math and being creative writing stories, making crafts, and any kind of artwork.” “I am a master crafter,” contributes Ashlyn. She is also learning piano.

Four-year- old Sadie Mae had a rough start in life. Jonathan explains, “Feeding difficulties and sudden weight loss required hospital trips/stays and a feeding tube for about six months. In feeding therapy for over a year, she continues struggling to some degree. Her fighting spirit shows how she was able to overcome those challenges because don’t ever tell this girl what she cannot do. Our motto for her when she was younger was ‘though she be but little, she is fierce.’” Sadie attends Cornerstone United Methodist Preschool, knows and writes all of her letters and is enjoying taking dance. She LOVES unicorns.
Benson, 4, is “…the cutest kid in the entire world. That is a lucky thing because he’s had his own fair share of speech difficulties. Not being able to fully express himself has not slowed him down at all,” observes Crystal. “Benson loves everything to do with construction, from the pickup trucks to work trucks to ladders to sounds. Every loose toy he finds around the house gets incorporated into his pretend house building in the playroom. You can often find Benson with his nose plastered to the window, watching the builders at work at the new construction next door. He also makes sure to watch and wave to the garbage men every time they come by to collect. Benson faces some difficulty with flexibility in his legs. His natural position is on his tippy toes at all time and physical therapy and full-time braces, (AFOs), are slowly helping his adjustments. He will soon begin serial casting for additional support. Benson attends the special needs pre-k program at Rennell Elementary.”

Families with multiple sets of twins are certain to face challenges. “Every one of our children has had somewhat serious medical considerations that have needed extra support. Couple that with every child having a partner who also needs to eat, sleep, be entertained, and have attention at the same time as their twin. There was no “Don’t worry, dear, you go ahead and sleep, I’ll take care of the baby this time”. It was ‘all hands-on deck’ at all times,” remembers Johnathan. ”When we first had twins, people remarked how difficult it must be. Then God laughed and gave us another set of twins when we already had twin toddlers…!”
“For our own sanity, we had to have a set schedule when the twins were babies. If we didn’t stick to it, we wo

For Jon and Crystal, relaxation is a luxury, coming usually after the kids are all in bed. Crystal turns to exercise to relieve stress. “Pre kids, I was a crazy marathon runner, and have been slowly trying to incorporate it back into my life. I really enjoy cooking and baking. I love going to the beach!” Jon is an avid problem solver. “I enjoy finding a solution to challenges. I like cooperative board games where a group has to work together to plan and find the right solution. Pre-COVID I really enjoyed escape rooms for a similar mechanic. Alton and Ashlyn have started learning how to cook and bake. Anyone interested in some cookies? My quarantine-15 can only take so many cookies,” quips Johnathan.