
The Women Empowering Women Express Network (WEWEN) of the American Business Women’s
Association (ABWA) recently awarded a $500 scholarship to WEWEN Member Demethra Orion of
Odyssey Limousine Services, Incorporated. This scholarship will be used to attend local leadership
program, Leadership North Houston.
Leadership North Houston (LNH) was formed in 1995 when several area Chambers of Commerce and
the Lone Star College System partnered together to meet the need for a leadership program in the north
Houston area. Monthly interactive sessions are held from October through May covering topics such as
education, cultural diversity, economic development, health and human services and more. Participants
learn more about the key issues facing the community, develop relationships with other influential
leaders in the Houston area, make a difference in the future of their community, emerge as a leader
rather than a follower, and develop an increased knowledge of leadership styles to better serve their
current organizations and communities. The program curriculum also includes a leadership skills
enhancement component which is designed to strengthen a participant's foundation as a leader to achieve
personal goals and contribute to the success of their organization.
“We are excited about the diverse cohort of professional peers selected to participate in LNH Class
XXIV,” said Kay Fitzsimons, LSC Community Leadership Programs executive director. “They are an
outstanding group of established leaders who are ready to make a meaningful contribution to the North
Houston region’s growth and success.”
The selection process allows for 30 participants to be chosen from the emerging and existing leaders
who apply for the program. “Our organization was thrilled that Demethra was selected for the program.
She has been an important part of our leadership team, serving as Vice President of Programs and on
several committees. We look forward to encouraging her throughout the year and learning from her
experience in this program,” stated Melissa Rotholz, WEWEN President.
About ABWA-Women Empowering Women Express Network
Founded in 1949, ABWA provides business training and networking opportunities for women of diverse
occupations and backgrounds. ABWA has dedicated 69 years to women’s education, workplace skills,
and career development training. Local ABWA league Women Empowering Women Express Network
meets the first Wednesday of each month from 11:30AM-1PM at Wyndham Garden Houston
Willowbrook. Join them to expand your network, grow your business skills, reach a new audience, or
advance your career. Additional details and monthly luncheon registration ($30) are available online at
wewen.org. Contact communications@wewen.org with any questions.